Der Nürburgring

Page created: July 16, 1999

Kids, Don’t Try This At Home

Upside down at the 'Ring
(photo by: EMan Jun-98)

The Nürburgring North Loop is a public road in Germany, but that doesn’t mean it’s tame by any means. As the Tackman has told me, “The ’Ring has teeth.” Fortunately, the occupants of this car were all right, mostly thanks to their seat belts and the air bags in the car.

The firemen we were talking to told us that about 62 people die each year at the ’Ring-- more than one per week. The only time I’ve gone to the ’Ring and didn’t see an accident was when it was pouring down buckets of rain, and no one was driving on the track except for ourselves. More typically, I’ve actually seen multiple accidents in the same lap.

Remember, world-class drivers died on this track with alarming regularity from the time it opened in 1927 until the 1970s, when Formula One stopped driving at the North Loop.

Obviously, the attitude in Germany is slightly different than in the litigious United States.

I’ve read in other web sites that the fatality statistic above is exaggerated. I really hope so. However, it is still true that this road is the worst road in terms of accidents in Germany.

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Corners Like It’s On Rails

Guard Rail
(photo by: EMan Jun-98)

By the way, if you damage the Armco (barrier) on the Nürburgring, you have to pay for it. And because there is property damage, a police report has to be filed.

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Toilet Paper?

(photo by: EMan Jun-98)

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Nothing To See Here, People

Putting it on the wrecker
(photo by: EMan Jun-98)

Only in Germany. Here we are, hanging out with the rescue worker. They just let anyone wander around. In the United States, there would be police lines everywhere.

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